Should you sell before buying or buy before selling?

Faced with this eternal dilemma, we provide several answers.

Buying before selling is by far the most comfortable situation because it allows you to meet certain deadlines such as the fateful date of the start of the school year or other family obligations. Buying before selling means a double financial cost (property tax, IFI, annual charges...) but also a potential risk that the market will reverse.
The estimate of the bridging loan will be closely linked to the assumptions of the sale of your property: bridging loan, loan rate, insurance, liquidity of the property on the market...
Your eagerness to sell will probably harm your state of mind and even the expected results. Keep in mind that a sale can take a long time, especially if the first estimates are flattering and unrealistic.

Selling before you buy can bring you certain advantages:

- Know how much money you have before you buy.
Once you have defined your budget, you will be able to conduct your research efficiently.
By adopting the posture of a buyer, you will actively look for a place to live.

- Put together a precise financing file that will reassure the owner from the outset. He will not fail to favor your file.


- Be able to offer cash payment. The Paris market can be particularly hot. The "perfect" products always sell for high prices. Make no mistake about it: the price drop in Paris does not concern the most attractive properties.


- To succeed in better negotiating what can be negotiated. Beautiful real estate operations are to be carried out at this time in particular when the energy diagnoses are bad, the residences require work of restoration, the principal orientations are in North, the lower floors with the 3rd, the elevator is absent... In such a context, knowing with certainty your financing possibilities is a major asset.


Short-term furnished rentals can be restrictive, but they are a good compromise if you don't want to rush into finding the ideal property.

You have a real estate project? Get a free estimate of the value of your property in Paris by contacting the Mobilis Group teams at 01 47 20 30 00 or at


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